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 "I'm thrilled to be here with you and for you. I'm ready to bring your vision and mine to life." - Amber Holly

Created in 2021 as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, creative Amber Holly attempted to wait out the pandemic, ignoring a tumor growth for over a year, leading to an eventual stage 3 Breast Cancer diagnosis. Being forced away from her essential employment in retail to focus on her health, she found the most effective way to remain positive was by reigniting her love for living candid moments and preserving them for as long as possible - she now is passionate about her cardiac health and creating ripple effects to better the world at large through photography and videography. She works hard to stay in the present moment and is always Thrilled 2B exactly where she is - after all, she isn't guaranteed anything but she appreciates everything! 

The Vision

Is still a work in progress...


Our Co-Creators

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